@amit's notes

Notes on Python & Django

Taking the course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHux0gMZ3Eg

  • Django has a great community -- someone always there to answer
  • In built features for ORM, authentication, caching


  • pipenv is important for managing virtual environments for projects -- pip3 install pipenv

    Pipenv is primarily meant to provide users and developers of applications with an easy method to setup a working environment

  • Install django using pipenv -- pipenv install django

  • Enter virtual env through pipenv shell


  • startproject - to create a new django project
    • Creates all the necessary files - main are urls.py, settings.py and others for deployment
    • manage.py is a wrapper around django-admin. Use this as this considers the project's settings.
    • python manage.py runserver to run the server
    • By default, installed apps for admin, auth, messages and staticfiles
    • python manage.py startapp <app-name> to create a custom new app
      • register apps in installed-apps in settings.py

Apps in django

  • created app has admin module, apps (config), models, tests and view (request handler).
  • Function definition for request hanling in views.py.
  • URL mapping to function in new file by name urls.py (by convention) with array parameter urlpatterns
  • ALWAYS end the route (url) with a forward slash "/"
  • Django Debug Toolbar (django-debug-toolbar) is an important way to debug django apps

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Notes on Python & Django